Our Team
Jeffrey “Dimitri” Dimitriotous
Consultant, Exhibitions & Acquisitions
J.M. Dimitriotous President A..N.E.W. Museum and Vice President Fine Art Division World Summit is working with Premier Art Holdings Ltd as an exhibitions and Acquisitions consultant.
Dimitri comes from a long line of Greek sculptors dating back to the 2nd BCE on the Island of Melos, Greece where his Great, Great Grandfather a farmer discovered the famous “Venus De Milo” sculpture in 1820 while plowing his fields. The sculpture now resides in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
Dimitri studies European and American Art History, Painting and Sculpture receiving a masters degree from École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France and L'Institut Pour Les Universites Americaines in Avignon. Upon returning to USA Dimitri was appointed to Art Director for the City of Fort Lauderdale, FL USA working with the DDA Downtown Development Authority to place dozens of large scale sculptures throughout the Arts and Science district.
Dimitri is honored and excited to be working with Premier Art Holdings Ltd. to bring more important artworks for viewing in private and public exhibitions at museums and galleries worldwide.